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Authentic Preloved Designer Bags ($500-$1,000)

Discover authentic preowned designer bags from $500 to $1,000.

Louis Vuitton is a symbol of luxury so no wonder a Louis Vuitton handbag is a dream for millions of women! Our mission is to make designer handbags available for everyone so we strive to keep our Louis Vuitton offers under $1,000. Occasionally we have Gucci, Chanel, Versace and YSL in stock, however, we mostly specialize in Louis Vuitton. 

Each Louis Vuitton handbag we have in stock is guaranteed authentic


  • "I almost spent my monthly salary on a replica. Thank you for saving my money. "

    Rachael M

  • Thank you for confirming the authenticity of my aunt's purse! I am impressed with your knowledge of vintage.

    Maribel S

  • OMG! I would've never guessed something is wrong with the bag. Thank you!

    John T