Still afraid to buy preowned luxury bags because of so many replicas?
You're smart. 90% of Louis Vuitton bags we see on the streets are fakes. Fakes are getting better and better every day.
We want to raise the awareness among all the Louis Vuitton lovers so that no one would ever loose their money on a fake.
Grow your Louis Vuitton collection or consignment business by learning how to tell with 100% confidence if a preloved bag is real or fake.
What's Inside the Louis Vuitton Authentication Course?
- 8 video lessons in 14 days
- 14 emails with materials to learn how counterfeit items are different from the real Louis Vuitton handbags
- Details that you need to pay attention to to learn how to authenticate
- 50+ examples of real and fake Louis Vuitton items with keys to train your eye
Not Sure? Check your level of expertise!Not sure whether you can benefit from the course? Take our Authentication test and find out how good you are at telling fakes from real bags!
Your Course Instructor
Anastasiya Bagaholic
How long does the course take?
The videos are sent to your inbox every other 2-3 days within 2 weeks.
I'd love to take it but I don't have time right now!
You have lifetime access to all course materials so you can buy it now and take it later.
What level of expertise is required to take the course?
None actually. If you're an experienced authenticator, you'd better wait for our next edition for professionals.
How did you acquire this type of expertise?
I'm a Louis Vuitton collector and lover. I bought and sold over 1,000 items, all preloved and authentic. I've spend months and years investigating the styles, production years, collections and I think I examined over 100,000 items online. All in all, I took me 10+ years to learn what I know. You'll get the gist of it in just 2 weeks.
How Much Is the Louis Vuitton Authentication Course?
Reduced from 199$ originally, it's $129 only. If you think about it, this is a fraction of what you can lose if you come across a scammer who will sell you a fake item presented as an authentic one. $500 is the lowest price for a Louis Vuitton bag in great condition.
Choose Between Basic and Advanced
If you feel confident about the basics and you've passed the test, congratulations! For resale market professionals we've crafted an Advanced course on Louis Vuitton authentication.
This course is a 4-hour screencast full of practice. During this screencast, we'll review 150+ Neverfull handbags from Louis Vuitton emphasizing in detail why this or that Neverfull handbag is authentic / not authentic.
Even though it's just one purse, it's the one that has a lot of replicas, including 1:1 replicas. After you train your eye, authenticating other handbags won't be a problem.