Who We Are
Bagaholic B.V. is an online designer handbag authentication service and a renowned fashion blog. Whenever you're purchasing secondhand designer good from such brands as Louis Vuitton, Chanel, YSL or Gucci, we're here to help you make sure the item you're purchasing is real.
Bagaholic B.V. is proudly based in the Netherlands and been able to help over 30,000 customers around the world authenticate their items.
Our Mission
At Bagaholic, we believe that being surrounded by beautiful things empowers our creativity and potential. Everyone in the world has the right to inspiration from art and beautiful things. We see designer handbags and items as a form of art, which inspires creative souls.
We highly appreciate the craft and story designer brands put in their goods and have zero tolerance policy against fakes and replicas and believe that real ladies don't wear fakes.
Our story
Our story dates back to 2012, when Anastasiia Bagaholic, the Bagaholic's founder and CEO, decided to purchase a Louis Vuitton handbag she's been dreaming about for years. In a few years, a side hustle turned into a business.