Being one of the top 10 luxury handbag brands, Chanel regularly increases their prices. We have finally received updated 2024 prices for the most popular Chanel bags, so let's discuss yet another Chanel price increase in this article.
After COVID, the French company's C-level management emphasize...
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We are proud to be one of the best blogs on luxury handbags.
Chanel has just hit the market with another steep price increase that positions the brand right next to Hermes. The biggest price increase before that happened in November 2021.
The March 2023 was a global increase, affecting many markets, including the Chanel home market. Below you can find the ...
Have you got your heart settled on a Chanel Coco Handle bag? It's time to learn how to spot a Coco Handle fake bag to avoid any scams related to purchasing your dream purse.
While it's not as expensive as Chanel Classic Flap bags, it's still worth a fortune for someone who only starts their desig...
Last update: June 2024
Introduced in 2017, an elegant and timeless Chanel Coco handle bag has become that popular that became a part of the brand's permanent line. Let's see how much Chanel Coco Handle bag is and what are the colors and sizes available.
Season to season, Chanel has been playing a...
It’s not a nightmare, it’s for real: Chanel increases its prices right before the holidays season. We could hardly survive the second growth of prices, but the brand obviously thinks that “third time’s a charm”. However, experienced fashion lovers are ready to fly across the globe to find the ult...