From year to year, the value of your favorite luxury handbag rises by as much as percent, and ultimately it turns into a price increase of tens and hundreds of dollars. They say it's because of rising manufacturing costs, rising salaries and rising quality. Louis Vuitton 2019 price increase happe...
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We are proud to be one of the best blogs on luxury handbags.
Whenever I get a fake item, I always try to post a real/fake comparison. I already compared a Louis Vuitton Pallas MM, a Neverfull MM and a Speedy Graffiti, the links are below. Now it's time to do a thorough comparison of real and fake wallets and find out how to spot a fake.
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I've been a luxury handbag reseller since 2014. I buy and sell designer bags from Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Dior and Gucci every day. Thousands of sold (and purchased) bags allowed me to become an expert when it comes to both designer bags authentication and their earning potential.
Reselling luxury...
Recently I've purchased a Chanel mini flap bag from a private seller. The bag didn't have the serial number (as seller stated, she took the bag to dry cleaning and the serial sticker fell off).
I also had an authentic Chanel bag mini flap at home. As soon as I receive a new bag I'm gonna sell and...
If you're passionate about Louis Vuitton vintage handbags, checking the date codes is essential whenever you add a new luxury bag to your collection. If you're not yet familiar with Louis Vuitton date codes, you've come to the right place for all the information you need.
Here's a thorough date c...
Louis Vuitton Neverfull is a must-have bag for every bag collector. Some use it as a workhorse daily, others just as a cover for their Birkins but you can't resist the fact that it's not a bag that will sit in your closet. You'll use it. And that's why it's a great investment and you need a Never...