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  2. LVBagaholic Louis Vuitton Neverfull Online Authentication Course (ADVANCED) LVBagaholic

Luxury Bag Authentication Courses

Are you interested to learn more about how to tell authentic designer bags from fakes? Or do you want to become a certified bag authenticator? Either way, with our luxury bag authentication courses, you'll find what you're searching for.

A lot of people believe replicas are so good that it's impossible to tell them from real designer items anymore. Well, they're trying to follow the footsteps, and there are actually some batches that are scary in their resemblance.

However, if you know what to look for, you can always tell whether a particular item is authentic or fake. Having authenticated over 100,000 items, we are finally sharing our expertise and spilling the beans regarding what exactly to look at/for when examining an item, what the best designer replicas look like (for you to be aware of the market) and what you need to do to start authenticating handbags.

We'd love all authentic luxury lovers to have this expertise to never ever give their hard-earned money to scammers and counterfeiters.

BASIC courses contain general information on how to tell genuine purses from fake ones, while ADVANCED is a detailed review of 100+ items with explanations from a handbag authenticator.


  • "I almost spent my monthly salary on a replica. Thank you for saving my money. "

    Rachael M

  • Thank you for confirming the authenticity of my aunt's purse! I am impressed with your knowledge of vintage.

    Maribel S

  • OMG! I would've never guessed something is wrong with the bag. Thank you!

    John T