As a designer handbag reseller, you deal with valuable items all the time.
Each purse is worth at least a few hundred dollars, and any mistake can cost you pretty expensive.
Two or three mistakes can cross out your efforts for a whole month. We know that well as we've been in the same business.
In the resale business reputation is everything.
If you purchase an item that's not authentic and later resell it (even if you aren't aware it's not real), you may lose you hard-earned reputation and good standing in your local community of handbag lovers for good.
That's why we prepared several authentication packages that may be just right for you.
We're proud to state that with Bagaholic Authentication Packages, adding new luxury brands to you consignment store and doubling your revenue is not an issue anymore.
Reseller Exclusive Authentication Services
Partner with Bagaholic to get access to exclusive benefits when authenticating your stock.
- Add New Brands To Your Portfolio
Scale your reselling business by quickly adding new luxury brands into your portfolio, while at the same time expanding your assortment. With Bagaholic Authentication you can count on all designer clothing and accessories to be thoroughly checked - within an hour and at a reasonable price.
- Enjoy 1-Hour Authentication
We exclusively offer our reseller partners a 1-hour authentication for both verbal and certificate services. Note: the 1-hour authentication service is available at all times except the night (9.00-23.00 CET).
- Rely on a Trusted Partner
There's no one who understands what're going through. We've helped over 1000 customers to get their money back from scams and we're proud to be trusted by major platforms and payment providers, such as Ebay and PayPal.
Luxury Handbag Resellers Education
How to Be a Luxury Handbag Reseller
In this course, you will discover:
How to turn scrolling through Instagram into a fully profitable business.
- A secret method to making 4-figures & beyond in addition to your main income.
- How to leverage selling products you’re passionate about regardless of the economy.
- Exactly how to approach the second-hand market with strategies that integrate multiple luxury reselling archetypes.
By the end of this course you will fully understand the world of the luxury bag industry — how to create listings that sell on multiple social media platforms, how to effectively re-sell and set prices on your handbags, where to selectively purchase particular handbags, which brand names to aim for, which suppliers & vendors are favorable to work with, key details to look out for to ensure the items are legitimate, powerful marketing strategies to find your ideal buyers, and much, much more!
Louis Vuitton Authentication Courses