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Trusted by eBay, PayPal and 10,000 customers in 87 countries
Are you purchasing a luxury bag? This brand gained plenty of popularity in recent years, therefore, the number of replicas is rising every day. Dishonest sellers are trying to sell fake luxury bags as authentic items.
This is an online authenticity check. We will examine the pictures of your luxury bag and we'll let you know whether this item is real or fake.
This service includes authentication of any item from the brands not available as standalone products, for example:
- Prada
- Mulberry
- Valentino
- Christian Louboutin
- Fendi
- etc...
This Authenticity Check Includes:
- professional examination of the pictures of the item within 24 hours
- VERBAL: verbal/written verdict AUTHENTIC / NOT AUTHENTIC (no certificate)
- CERTIFICATE: a certificate stored on our website with the verdict AUTHENTIC / NOT AUTHENTIC
- COA WITH EXPLANATION: a certificate with explanation
Please send the pictures / a link to the pictures of an item you want to authenticate to We'll get back with the Bottega Veneta authenticity check results within 24 hours.