As an designer bag verification company, we have checked the authenticity of over 100,000 items from top luxury bag brands, including Dior. As we were carefully examining Dior handbags and accessories, we noticed that replica manufacturers are using some codes more often that others.
The goal of this blog post is to share the most counterfeited Dior bag codes, such as 19-MA-0158, and raise awareness on the number of replicas in designer resale.
What Are the Most Counterfeited Dior Bag Codes?
Some people say dior bags have serial numbers, others say it's date codes.We have already created a guide for Christian Dior date codes, so in this article we won't be going in too many details.
Regardless of what you call it, Dior mirror replicas are using some popular Christian Dior date codes, and you need to be aware of the combinations that present higher risks.
The list below presents the most seen date codes on counterfeit Dior bags. Please be aware that if the Dior bag you're about to purchase has a serial number from this list, it doesn't mean that it's counterfeit. Replica manufacturers know how to copy the codes. To verify an item, we at Bagaholic need to look at multiple details, including the overall quality of the materials, the stitching, the hardware and the fonts of the serial numbers and date codes.
Now here we go!
According to the our research, 19-MA-0158 is one of the most counterfeited serial numbers when it comes to Dior handbags. This code is often seen on Dior Saddle bags, but can also be spotted on other items as well. It exists in a variety of fonts too so watch out.
Another extremely popular code that counterfeiters copied from the original Dior bags. 19-MA-0186 serial number is often spotted on the Dior Book Tote bag, although it might be seen on other popular Dior items, such as Dior Saddle bag. All items listed below are fake!
Some Dior replicas with this date code are very sophisticated.
This Dior date code suggests that the bag was made in May 2018. It's mostly seen on the bags in the signature Dior Oblique canvas with their logo embroidery.
We have noticed the 21-MA-1086 serial number on a large number of Dior Saddle bags. Would you believe this handbag is real? Well, it's a replica!
As many other date codes, this Dior code was spotted on newer models, such as Book tote and the reinvented Saddle bags.
Here's a Dior serial code from 2023 that you need to be aware of.
Do you know any other fake date codes that are often seen on Dior handbags? Leave a comment below and let us know!
If you're about to purchase a preloved Dior bag we urge you to be aware of these codes. This is not a full list, it's being updated as we come across some date codes.
Among other codes that are often seen on fake Dior bags are: 05-RU-0158 (05 ru 0158), 19-MA-0186, 21-MA-0186, 09-BO-0115, 09-BO-0129, 05-MA-0223, 50-MA0220.
Need to Authenticate a Dior handbag?
If you are buying a pre-loved Dior purse, be sure to always order professional authentication, especially if you are buying from a private seller, but not only. Read How You Can Buy a Fake Bag From A Reputable Consignment Store.
We can help with authenticating a Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Chanel, or Dior item. Please order one of the three types of authentication: