When you're a designer luxury reseller and you've seen thousands of luxury bags in person, it's hard to find a purse that you will genuinely fall in love with. Name any top luxury bag brand, I've seen and donned almost every signature item.
When I first laid my eyes on this pink/black medium twee...
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We are proud to be one of the best blogs on luxury handbags.
As an designer bag verification company, we have checked the authenticity of over 100,000 items from top luxury bag brands, including Dior. As we were carefully examining Dior handbags and accessories, we noticed that replica manufacturers are using some codes more often that others.
The goal of ...
Whether you’re getting a preloved Dior handbag or selling your Dior item, Dior date codes is something you’ll have to deal with to verify authenticity. In this article we’ll share what’s a Dior date code, where to find it and how to read it.
Why Do Dior Date Codes Exist?
Dior introduced Date co...
Every luxury bag brand has its own legendary purse. For Dior it's the Lady Dior bag. A true symbol of the brand, this square purse offers a lot of stories and mysteries that a fashionista needs to know. Here's a Bagaholic's guide to the Lady Dior bag.
They are highly coveted by fashionistas, some...
Buying pre-owned things is no longer embarrassing. It's a win-win situation for both the customer and the seller, especially when it comes to luxury bags. Previous owners care about their purses so much, so buyer typically gets a coveted item in an excellent condition. Once you decide to buy a Di...
There is no better investment than a high-end bag. It's not only an investment in its traditional sense when you buy something just to resell it later. It's also a stylish addition to your casual or evening outfit. Here are top 10 most iconic Dior bags that you won't regret buying.
Owning a bag o...