Louis Vuitton Neverfull is a must-have bag for every bag collector. Some use it as a workhorse daily, others just as a cover for their Birkins but you can't resist the fact that it's not a bag that will sit in your closet. You'll use it. And that's why it's a great investment and you need a Neverfull in your collection.
However, as Neverfull became one of the most widespread Louis Vuitton bags, it's produced almost in all the leathers, color combinations and sizes. It's important to choose the right purse.
Basically, it's a choice between a canvas Neverfull and an Epi Neverfull.
Neverfull Durability
As Neverfull is often used either as a Louis Vuitton diaper bag or as a workhorse, durability is what we're striving to find. Great news, both beauties are durable. I've never heard about any issues with monogram Neverfulls and Epi is great too as the wear is always not visible especially if we're talking about black epi.
Winner: both
Neverfull Color Choice
Obviously, Epi seems more attractive here as you can find almost any color combo plus you don't need to take special care of the leather.
Winner: Epi
Possible Issues
When it comes to monogram, we all are afraid of canvas cracks cause a lot of new Louis Vuitton bags have this defect. Good to know Neverfull is more of an exclusion. Cracking is barely possible considering the trapeze shape of the bag. However, be ready for top trim leather cracks. It's not gonna happen very soon but eventually, after several years of severe overuse, you'll see them. Just FYI, Louis Vuitton charges less than $100 to replace that part.
Epi bags will also show wear on the top trim but most often it's chips of leather, not cracks. Unlike the monogram Neverfull, its Epi sister is gonna show rubbed corners sooner. What's more important, a lot of Epi Neverfulls have had a terrible defect: the edge cote on the handles melted after several years of use. It could ruin your clothes and you should've put some time into fixing the bag.
This glazing issue was widespread in 2013-2014 Neverfulls. I'm not aware of the new Neverfulls quality. If you know whether they have this defect, comment below.
Louis Vuitton Neverfull MM Epi vs Monogram Comparison
Here's a quick overview of both Neverfull MM (monogram and epi) and their comparison.
Canvas | Epi | |
Holds shape | Yes | Yes |
Color choice | Monogram, Azur, Ebene | All you can possibly imagine. some are discontinued |
Weight | Lightweight | A bit heavier |
Possible issues | Top trim cracks | Leather wrinkles, melted glazing |
Price | $1,390 | $2,090 |
Louis Vuitton Neverfull MM Epi vs Monogram Review
Watch our video where we compare the Mono and Epi Neverfulls side by side and you're able to see the differences right away.
If you're still unsure about a monogram/epi Neverfull, check out our list of Neverfull Limited Editions. Most probably you'll find something you like!
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel, we do strive to ensure high-quality content and do the most useful reviews.
Buying a Used Louis Vuitton Neverfull MM
No matter which version you go for, please be careful about buying a used Louis Vuitton Neverfull from private sellers. As we are an authentication company, we see a lot of them a proven to be fakes afterwards.
Interested to see a great Neverfull replica? Check out this Louis Vuitton Neverfull MM fake vs real comparison. We promise this comparison is worth your time.
Please have your items authenticated through us or though another company. Don't spend your money on counterfeiters and scammers!
If you need to authenticate a Louis Vuitton item, please order one of the three types of authentication:
- good when you need a certificate for any reason,
Certificate of Authenticity $25
- good when you need a certificate for any reason, either to sell the bag with the peace of mind or to return a fake bag to the seller if you purchased a fake
- includes a permanent certificate on lvbagaholic.com
Certificate of Authenticity with a thorough explanation $50
- good when you need a certificate and you need to know why the bag is authentic/not authentic for any reason, either to sell the bag with the peace of mind or return a fake bag to the seller if you purchased a fake.
- includes a permanent certificate on lvbagaholic.com
- includes an explanation of why the item is fake (detailed pictures and comparisons with an authentic bag, more than 10 pics included)