There is no better investment than a high-end bag. It's not only an investment in its traditional sense when you buy something just to resell it later. It's also a stylish addition to your casual or evening outfit. Here are top 10 most iconic Dior bags that you won't regret buying.
Owning a bag o...
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We are proud to be one of the best blogs on luxury handbags.
Gucci. Just one word gives you goosebumps. It is a brand which demonstrates a real Italian beauty… A brand that has won the heart of millions… A brand whose name everyone knows… It is all about Gucci – one of the most famous luxury brands in the fashion industry.
Gucci purses are masterpieces. Th...
Summer 2020 is here and it is time to check your luxury bag collection and to update it with new rocking fashionable pieces. This season promises to be more relaxed, with large bags of nude shades for the beach and tiny classy flap bags for evening cocktail parties.
2020 trends speak for themselv...
Classic YSL bags have long been a measure of prestige because of their minimalistic chic. Seeing their popularity, counterfeiters produce replicas and each year their quality is getting better and better, which makes it more difficult to tell fakes from original bags. Today being able to determin...
Every brand has its own iconic model that is worthy of investment and lasts for a long time. This designer handbag will make your already amazing closet even more stylish though it may not satisfy all your practical needs. In this article, we will be reviewing 13 most iconic luxury designer handb...
Bags are an integral part of our lives. We need them not only to keep our daily essentials, but also to complement our outfit, and in a certain sense handbags serve as a sign of financial wealth. But not all of us can buy bags from the latest collections worth thousands of dollars.
Let's find out...