Do you love red Louis Vuitton bags as much as we do at Bagaholic?
Having sold thousands of handbags, we gathered our impressions to share them with you. If you know you want a Louis Vuitton bag and you want it to be red, you is the absolutely right place cause we're about to find the best options...
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We are proud to be one of the best blogs on luxury handbags.
Dear all,
The tragedy unfolding in Ukraine left us heartbroken and hurt. Millions of innocent people have been displaced from their homes, their lives, and their families.
Since we have a Russian-Ukrainian team, everyone got deeply affected by this act of aggression. Members of our own families a...
Birthday celebrations are always a big deal. But when it comes to luxury brands, the word “grandiose” is more suitable! This year, the man whose name has become a synonym of style – Louis Vuitton – celebrates its 200th birthday. We couldn’t miss an opportunity of taking a trip down the memory lan...
Louis Vuitton raised their prices. Again. This time the increase has been substantial. Let's see why price increases happen all the time and how much are our favorite LV bags today.
Why is Louis Vuitton Raising Their Prices?
Louis Vuitton is raising prices in response to increased manufacturing...
What do real Louis Vuitton bags look like inside? That's the question my friend asked me. She wanted to purchase an authentic Louis Vuitton handbag with a very specific 'must'. Her ideal hand bag must've had red lining.
I've been reselling authentic Louis Vuitton handbags for over 10 years and I ...
A few days ago a customer sent us a handbag for authentication. It was a Gucci Plus handbag, something we have never seen before. There was also no sign of serial or any date code. The stamp was barely visible and it said ‘Gucci Plus made in Italy’.
Vintage handbags are the hardest to authenticat...